Why is Netflix's The Witcher so good to me:

In one word: tenderness.
In my opinion, this is a rare while wonderful aspect of a work. A bit of sweetness can truly transform a scene into a memorable slice of art, without reaching the extrem of melodrama.
Why? Because it's served by soft, pure and subtle acting. Hence credible emotions. And even if, in the case of The Witcher, there are actors above the competition, I feel like everyone brought a bit of tenderness with them.
I am surprised to see it so rarely in popular movies and shows. So imagine my happiness to see it done in such a great way in The Witcher 😄. Plus, it is a great example of accuracy to the books.
All of my favorite works contain at least a bit of tenderness. Even in spectacular movies like Inception, the first scenes I think about are the ones with Mall & Cobb... and clearly it would have been a memorable film anyway, but these scenes put the movie in a particular spot.
Moana is BY FAR my favorite animation movie. I dreamed about this movie a lot. Besides the amazing visuals, I realized Moana featured a lot of tenderness, which is less present in other Disney productions. It's even more than that, tenderness paces the movie.
I have a similar feeling with The Witcher, if you think about it, these sweet scenes are the ones that define the most the characters, the ones that make the story interesting.
A defining element of this kind of scenes is the music. And omg Sonya and Giona did it. Without efficient tunes, the effect doesn't work anymore. That's why sometimes movies feel flat even if they feature a lot of calm dialogues and sweet words.
Silence is often the key. Because it lets the music breathe. Rewriting History, Tomorrow I'll Leave Blaviken for Good, The Law of Surprise and Everytime You Leave. They are the best examples imo.
This emotion is hard to describe😅Anyway, this thread is one response to all who say the show feels meh or boring. I hope it showed that, as promised by Lauren, The Witcher is much more than fantasy, like Inception being more than SFX, and Moana more than a girl on a boat.
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