When people talk about kids going back to school, they often cite the need for so many things that are ancillary to, you know, teaching and learning.
Like “how are we going to feed kids who need it?”

Um ... how about a living wage as the minimum wage and a universal basic income?
Or “what about essential workers who need child care?”

Um ... how about a living wage as the minimum wage and a universal basic income?
Or, what about the kids who need social services that are delivered through schools?

Um ... maybe relieve the need for social services by reducing the impacts of poverty through a living wage as the minimum wage and a universal basic income?
What about parents who are trying to work from home and need their kids out of the house?

Um ... maybe relieve the need to have two full incomes and single parents who work full time with a living wage as the minimum wage and a universal basic income?
Also, let’s stop pretending that the effects of poverty and a non existent mental health system can be resolved by teachers and police officers who don’t receive a living wage and should have a universal basic income.
Also, let’s have universal child care, and universal health care in addition to a minimum wage that is a living wage and, oh yeah, a universal basic income.
And while this sounds far fetched in our current context, consider that the alternative we are choosing is to expose our children, their teachers, their families and the community as a whole to the uncontrolled spread of COVID-19.
All this instead of raising taxes on the wealthiest families in our country. The rates on those in the highest tax brackets are near historical lows.
But sure, make the kids go back to school and the cashiers go back to Lowe’s because protecting the weath of the richest people seems to be more important than protecting the lives of everyone else.
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