To summarise my beliefs: I care about people. POC, LGBT+, the poor, people of different religions , EVERYONE. Rights and health care are not a privilege , they are a right, regardless of who you are. Do not debate me 'what about this what about that' I said EVERYONE. (1/2)
I don't care about political agendas and 'how much better capitalism is then communism'. If your beliefs are infringing on someone rights, they are a problem. If your 'political beliefs' involve letting someone go into debt for injuries they are a problem. (2/3)
If you're ignorant but willing to learn and face facts, I will respect you. If you remain in your bigoted beliefs, I have no interest in conversing with you. But even if you don't believe I deserve basic rights, food, shelter and healthcare, I still believe you do. (3/3)
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