hey folks, there’s a new @ravelry “readability” survey that’s open to all if you want to fill it out. it’s a google docs form so should be safe but the header on the first page is in the new font/colour. https://bit.ly/2O7Mcmx 
the recommendation is that you fill it out on a laptop/desktop as you will be asked to look at mockups of different screen layouts/designs to make comparisons as to which would be best for usability.
i haven’t been able to look any further into the survey yet so if you are finding “new Rav” triggers issues for you then please approach this survey with care as i don’t know how they’ve laid out the screenshots or what you’ll need to look at to complete it.
i’ll probably be trying to fill out the survey tomorrow so will share what i find out then.
this paragraph in the intro definitely gives me pause though: “The information collected in this survey will help us make adjustments to the site that benefit the most Ravelers (and avoid making changes that benefit some, but disadvantage others).”
honestly, i call bullshit. at this point it’s clear to me that these constant surveys are performative, so they can say “look how hard we tried to make it accessible!” and then carry on regardless. they don’t care about disabled/neuroatypical people at all.
there’s a (very short & already locked) thread on FTLOR that says the survey has no option to add comments; there are only tickboxes for the different screen mockups & that there is no “all options are unusable for me” option to select and no space to leave further comments 🤯
also be warned apparently ALL mockups have the drop shadows that were causing so many people visual issues 🤬🤬🤦🏼‍♀️
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