Arch made a video about Paradox of Tolerance somehow blaming BLM for people not wanting him being a part of #WarhammerCommunity. Here's a thread in which I aim to respond to his comments. It is primarily directed at #istandwitharch people. Please try to get my point
He directly quoted the source in the video and his take on this part of the quote was very telling. This is the point of the video, where he went ahead and shifted the discussion to BLM from the accusations levied against him.
Arch has always been a very political person in his content. Not a big deal in itself in my opinion. I encourage political discourse when it comes to Warhammer. And the problem is not even his personal politics, but rather the way they are presented
Arch is a great example of so-called anti SJW YouTube, the main feature of which is critique of progressive politics. Very often, progressive positions are deemed irrational and evil. "They are destroying video games" "They are taking over" "They are excluding white people"
This is a sort of rhetoric that is often used by them and Arch is no exception. They claim that debate is not possible from the get go, because their political enemies are "irrational actors that want to push an agenda" This is not a mindset of debate. It is a cult mentality
And I do think that, in many ways, it is sort of a cult. Very rarely these people engage with whom they dissagree. They teach to see political agenda when there is a black person on a cover of a sci-fi novel. They teach to see inclusion an an attack on them as people.
Arch was selling merch on his store, before the copyright claim, with a phrase "Warhammer is for everyone unless you are white" He managed to turn "people who are against the politics of inclusion and diversity" into "White people"
Arch has said many horrific things. He made rape jokes, expressed genocidal ideations, used racial slurs on a public platform, made derogatory statements towards minorities. All of this is being dismissed by his fans and friends by unfalsifiable theories.
It is always "Taken out of context" even when context is provided. It is always "just a joke" when there is no humour in the statement. And if not that, it is "You just hate arch because of his politics" which is not even an argument.
But I think the biggest offence outside of passively isolating his audience and pushing a political agenda, but a direct immorality, is having a mod on his discord, who has been openly a pedophilia apologist. Arch was aware of him, but didn't even move a finger
That individual was recorded in the recent leaks and Arch, when commenting on it said "He will not take responsibility for his actions" and everyone forgot that he had a potential pedophile in a position of power in his community, which certainly included underaged kids.
Arch took legitimate concerns and outrage of the public, and obfuscated pedophilia, racism and toxicity by posturing about suing GW, "political extremist s", crimes of the Chinese government and is currently trying to make this about free speech while this is clearly about him
He never apologized for anything. He wiped the server, unlisted some videos, and now is trying to weaponize his audience to go after GW and people who bring up his comments.
Arch will never apologize for anything. He is already part of an anti-sjw scene, where edgy teens are fed an enemy they should hate. Later they become more and more involved in anti-progressive politics, becoming alt-right as a logical result of this process
And I am not even the first to bring this up. Alt-right figures, like Richard Spenser, have themselves told about the role of anti-SJW scene as their main recruitment pool. Arch is a part of this machine. He may not be alt-right but he is profiting of the outrage.
Monetization of outrage is bread and butter of Arch and his anti-sjw friends. And people who consume hours of their content, are not in the business of believing people whom they see as a force that came to destroy everything they love and care about.
They are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols.
Arch addressing potential pedophile, among other things.
Here's a link to my thread with a video he removed, afraid of people finding it as well as some examples of what his community creates. Nazis, apologists and yes-men
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