I put myself through the torture of reading this thread and I wanna explain to all non desis out there why this thread is utter bs and the op just uses big words and claims to give an illusion of intelligence.+++ https://twitter.com/sominbiased1/status/1278381103653498880?s=20
I will make this quick and point out the most glaring problems with this thread.
Do I have to explain what's wrong? She is denying the whole existence of desi culture. It's an umbrella term for these countries belonging to the Indian subcontinent. All these countries share several cultural elements with each other as well as having a shared history.
I don't see any logic of saying " no such thing as desi culture" cause it's wrong. we have a very rich culture that is shared acroos boundaries thank you very much. +++
Yes each state has vastly different styles of jewellery but it does not in any way mean that mattha patti or bindi are not a part of our culture. ++
So many women belonging to different states wear mattha patti and non desi peopl wearing something which has cultural significance to us is infact CA. TBH, this makes no sense cause yes we have diverse styles of jewellery but mattha patti is still a part of desi culture? Hello?++
Now here is something I agree with . " Our culture is not just just a cool style or heritage ". Exactly. All the more reason to take desi CA more importantly.
Now here is the most nonsense part of the thread. proclaiming that desi CA does not exist is honeslty invalidating the feeling of me and my fellow desis. ++
Our culture and our jewellery is not an aesthetic for anyone. Korean people harbour harmful stereotypes towards desis but will use our culture for aesthetics, do you see the problem here ?
So yes non desis need to educate themsleves and also on why our jewellery is not just an aesthetic for us and holds cultural significance.
I think the whole thread was a gimmick to divert attention from the issue. Yes, there are many harmful stereotypes against desis but how is not speaking on our culture being used for the sake of aesthetics gonna solve the problem?
Desi culture is not limited to jewellery but it is infact a serious part of our culture. So please before believing such nonsense threads EDUCATE YOURSELVES.
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