THREAD @DontDivideUsNow & EDUCATION: Last week a bunch of us issued a statement entitled Don't Divide Us. The response was overwhelming. One big concern that many brought up, is that schools seem to be reorganising curriculum & teacher CDP around divisive identity politics 1/
Parents/ carers involved in home schooling due to lockdown, have been sent letters/resources with instructions on how to teach issue of ‘race’ & are understandably concerned at the over-reach by schools. This has caused worries that changes are happening with no public debate. 2/
Teachers, governors & other stakeholders in education of schoolchildren have also contacted @DontDivideUsNow , expressing serious reservations. They note: even internal school discussions are being stifled by an assertion that any resistance is evidence of unconscious bias 3/
To counter this, a group of @DontDivideUsNow educators have written an open letter to school leaders asking that they at least pause before rushing forward with such radical (more political rather than educational) changes 

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