Seeking to clarify the LAC is one way of trying to resolve the problems with China. However LAC is a product of the CCP's deceptive intelligence, an imaginary line that the Chinese are intent on keeping imaginary.
LAC tactical military management in difficult terrain is an uphill, costly task. Additionally, LAC "clarification" in endless meetings of the weirdly named Working Mechanism for Consultation & Coordination on Indo-China Border Affairs (WMCC) gives diminishing returns on security.
After our bravehearts' sacrifices in Galwan valley, the ongoing deployment of personnel, machines, firepower along with heightened alert is not just necessary, but will take its toll due to difficult terrain, approaching winters & escalating costs.
Our aim should be to not repeat an Operation Parakram type mobilization that eventually yielded diminishing returns due to a host of factors.

Our aim should also be to find avenues and out-of-the-box solutions so as not to permanently militarize our ancient borders with Tibet.
The Chinese hegemonic land-grabbing and cartographic schizophrenia is unlikely to subside just because we want to 'clarify the LAC' or just because we presently have a formidable militarization and alert across our Northern and Eastern landscapes.
You can't go all goody goody and expect the CCP+PLA to reciprocate in good faith. That's just stupid.

We have the entire history of the 1962 war to ponder over and from which our leadership, political & military, is hopefully drawing useful lessons and invaluable insights.
Let's try not to be overwhelmed by the LAC strategically, except for operational & tactical reasons on the ground. Can we explore an effective, well-rounded, proactive strategy not dependent on LAC clarification? Bear with my flight of fancy.

Or ignore this thread. Your choice.
LAC clarification is deceptive & only benefits China. Clarifications produce agreements. When has Maoist China kept to the letter or spirit of any agreement it has signed, lauded, celebrated & flaunted? Never.

No historical precedent for believing that CCP will do so now.
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