I would find this white evangelical hue and cry over "cancel culture" slightly less eyeroll-inducing if a very prominent white evangelical leader's followers hadn't tried to get me fired for encouraging online protest of a racist, sexist, and queerphobic theological statement. https://twitter.com/IMAO_/status/1280684641377234944
Y'all were happy to farewell Rob Bell and to stop stocking Jen Hatmaker's and Rachel Held Evans's books.

Y'all were happy to sign statements saying LGBTQ-affirming Christians aren't real Christians.

Y'all love cancel culture when only y'all are in charge of the cancelling.
Y'all were either silent as the grave or quietly approving as Wheaton College was tried to exile @LaryciaHawkins

Y'all created an academic culture in which faculty can, and do, get summarily fired for perceived doctrinal errors.

That isn't about principle, it's about power.
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