Before they renamed this place to "Islamabad" in 1960 and constructed an Islαmic settlement with Mosques and Madrasas

The place was known as "Ram Kund"

Until 1947, 8000 Hindu pilgrims used to visit the spot.

There is still an old temple which they converted into a tourist spot
While the physical structure of the beautiful temple still exists

Pakistan Government removed Murtis of Lord Rama from temple's Garbhagrha and banned any Hindu worship inside the temple.

It has been converted into a tourist spot!
According to 1893 Rawalpindi District Gazetteer, there was an annual fair at the temple and 8,000 devotees used to visit the fair annually.

In 2020, even Hindus don't remember the temple or the Rama's fair.

The place became 'Islamabad' and any Hindu temple strictly forbidden
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