I'm going to make a thread of screenshots of reddit's censorship that happened in r/PCOS over the last week.

r/PCOS was a sub for women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Most of these are from https://imgur.com/a/k0sGJae , posted by u/pcosthrowaway25828.

A woman on r/PCOS posted a rant about her masculine features, and considered taking the hormones that trans women take. She was shut down and called "transphobic".

As a response, another woman made a post saying this subreddit is not for gender debates.

She asks for compassion if a woman doesn't use politically correct language. She didn't incite transphobia or hate. A lot of women in the subreddit supported her.

They spoke up about their right to speech, and about the unnecessary language policing around this women's issue.

But then the TRAs showed up, and called any women speaking up against this policing "TERFs", came up with a "sex is a spectrum" argument, and told women that they need to be "accountable for their actions" and that they should "learn more inclusive language"

They told women to leave their own subreddit, referred to OP as "transphobic", and derailed the conversation with irrelevant questions like, "So, sexist or racist language has space here?"

This trans man asks for help with PCOS and Nexplanon and the replies are nothing but helpful and welcoming.

This trans man asked for advice related to his extremely painful cramps, and again, the comments were nothing but helpful.

So the sub has always been helpful and welcoming, and the OP's and a lot of other women's problem with this whole thing was the abusive replies and accusations of transphobia just because they say that this illness affects biological women.

But THIS is the craziest TRA reply. After implying that asking for compassion about language is the same as ignoring trans people, the commenter says that trans women, who are biologically male, should be allowed in the sub to ask or receive advice.

Trans women have nothing to do with PCOS! I'm starting to feel like this entire brigading by TRAs was because the "trans women" want to be included in EVERY SINGLE women's space, even those discussing issues that do not apply to them at all.

And this thread was definitely brigaded. Look at the downvotes that all the TRA replies got, and look at the number of comments that got gilded.

After this controversy, r/PCOS went private for two days.

It's now back up, and they've removed everyone who spoke up against the language policing, and the admins even added new MODERATORS, claiming that that "bad actors" from the "hate sub" were the ones with those posts, while they were just users of r/PCOS.

#RedditHatesWomen so much that they interfered with the MODERATION of a women's health subreddit.
This is not new. Similar things have happened to so many women-focused subreddits, including r/pregnancy, which is now private as opposed to the public gender-neutral r/babybumps.

The r/actuallesbians subreddit was taken over by TRAs so much that lesbian women are shamed as "transphobic" for not being okay with having sex with someone who has a "girldick". On a subreddit called "Actual Lesbians".

Meanwhile, men's health subreddits, r/ErectileDysfunction, r/circumcision, r/Phimosis, r/ProstateCancer, r/testicularcancer are free to refer to these as men's issues, and never face censorship by TRAs who want to silence them. TRAs just want to silence women.

Reddit also hosts subreddits promoting misogyny, rape and abuse of women. These subreddits have extremely hateful content, but reddit does not care about banning these subs.

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