⬇️ Corn Silk Benefits ⬇️

Most people throw away corn silk as waste

But do you know corn silk is powerful Diuretic & Anti-inflammatory

Corn silk is a naturally rich source of flavonoid antioxidants.

Antioxidants are plant compounds that protect your body’s cells against free radical damage and oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is one of the major causes of a number of chronic conditions.

As an herbal remedy, corn silk has been used for centuries in traditional

Chinese and native american medicine.

It contains

♻️ Potassium
♻️ Calcium
♻️ Vitamin B2, C and K
♻️ Antioxidant

Corn Silk is used for

✅ Bladder infections
✅ Urinary system inflammation
✅ Inflammation of prostate
✅ Kidney stone
✅ Bed wetting

It is also useful for controlling

✅ High BP
✅ Cholesterol
✅ Fatigue

👉 Corn silk for weight loss

For ages, corn silk tea has been used as a naturally potent diuretic agent,

Which help to flush out excess water and waste from the body, helping to reduce inches dramatically.

👉🏽 How to make Corn Silk Tea ?

Boil corn silk with ginger, pepper, cinnamon and mint or basil leaves

Boil till water reduce to half

One ltr remains to half ltr

Now sieve it and enjoy with lemon and honey.

Note: Do not add honey 🐝 in hot tea as it destroy the benefits of honey

So next time think before throwing away the corn silks

You may be throwing health benefits

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