This thread is for panic attacks
-what is panic attacks
-how to control it
-how to stop it
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Panic attacks: are caused by a surge of adrenaline into your system and it can be one of the most distressing thing you’ll ever experience, they might come in waves,
It last for 5 minutes and half an hour,
Though it is terrifying but they’re not that dangerous
Symptoms of panic attacks:
-feeling sense of terror or impending doom
-racing, anxious thoughts
-feeling disoriented and strange
-feeling loss of control
-a sense of not being connected to your body.
-heart bonding and racing
-irregular heartbeat beat
-chest pain
-sweating, trembling
-tingling or numbness of the arms
-feeling weak, and faint
-a chocking sensation
-ringing in the ears
-dry mouth
-need to go to the bathroom
-feeling frozen/stuck
-feeling like they need to run
This is the steps to handle a panic attack:
Step one:
Slow your breathing
Your breathing and heart beating rate are interconnected, if you noticed that, start by slowing down your breathing, or practice breath exercising
Step two:
Step back and observe your mental activity
You’ll think that you are having heart attack, that you’re dying, stop these thoughts slow down a racing mind, take a step back and observe your thoughts, rather than getting carried away by them
Step three:
Use coping statement
Remind your self that you’re not in any real physical danger, repeat whatever coping statement make you feel better
-I am safe
-I can handle this... etc
There’s a lot of ways to stop a panic attack,
1- deep breathing
Always remember to deeply breath when you experience a panic
2- go for a walk
Distract your self for a while and get some fresh air, put your favorite playlist and calm your self down
3- plan a head
Understand your self and figure out a plan
4-practice mindfulness
Do some meditation exercise
Or yoga
5- go to your happy place
Think about some one/ some thing that make you happy or remember your funny memories or jokes
6- writing
Write down every thought, it much more easier and cheaper than a therapist
This is the end of this thread
But remember it is ok to not be ok
It is ok to have these panic attacks, I personally experience it, and I have overcome it, it was hard times on me, but i am here know, I hope that y’all will be ok and, stay safe and hydrated ❤️
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