How accurate is #HamiltonFilm ?


The musical has turned the Founding Father into a hero. Since the release on Disney+, though, some are asking to remove it because it glorifies a slave owner.

So, what do the musical and #CancelHamilton get right – and wrong?
'Hamilton owned slaves'
Well, the point is that we don't know. His wife's family, the Schuylers, were certainly slave owners. But there is no evidence that Hamilton himself owned slaves.
'Hamilton traded slaves'
In his teenage years in St Croix, Hamilton worked as a clerk for a firm that occasionally traded slaves and it is likely that he himself was involved in some of these transactions
'Hamilton was anti-immigration'
Hamilton was associated with the passage of some of the most blatantly anti-immigrant legislation in US history.

The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 made it harder to become a citizen, and gave the state the power to imprison and deport new arrivals.
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