Just saw an interview on the news. The young woman being interviewed was asked by the anchor re: cancel culture.

The young woman spoke a lot, but the only thing said was, "they need to be held accountable."

Let's examine that for a second, shall we?
If two people are in a room together and have a severe difference of opinion, does that give one the right to "cancel" the other simply because they disagree on a given subject?
Who determines who is canceled in this scenario, and what, exactly, are they being "held accountable" for?
Just because someone holds a differing opinion than yours doesn't mean that their entire life should be upended because they disagree with you or they hurt your feelings.
I thoroughly enjoy Stephen King's work.

I do not agree with his opinions on a lot of things.

Does he need to be canceled? No.

The separation between admiring someone for their work and being able to put their personal opinions aside is sorely lacking.
I will have to add to this thread later. Hafta run for now.
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