Been seeing a lot about #ImposterSyndrome lately on #MedTwitter, #MedStudentTwitter, & especially #PreMedTwitter so I wanted to tackle the topic very quickly. 1/x
Briefly: imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern in which one doubts one's accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud". 2/
Everyone acknowledges that it’s an awful feeling and often a syndrome that is carried by those who deserve it the least. 3/
But I want to make sure we note that, like any psychological pattern, it’s rooted in previous life experiences.

Even if we don’t acknowledge these consciously, imposter syndrome is the subconscious manifestation of these experiences. 4/
Often people who are affected by it have been told time and time again that they don’t belong in the position they are in. 5/
But this feeling of “not belonging” doesn’t always have to be the result of a direct statement towards you.

Sometimes it’s as simple as not seeing anyone else who looks like you in the space that you are in. 6/
You start wondering:

“How did I make it”
“Why do I belong”
“Will I actually succeed”

But I want to remind that you got to where you are because you deserve it!

If you put in the work and started seeing results, believe in them! Especially if the results are reproducible. That’s the foundation of any good scientific study after all 🤓. 8/
To help combat imposter syndrome in my peers, I make a conscious effort to gas them up consistently (to a point where it’s nearly an obsession).

But I also make sure to evaluate the ways in which I give “feedback”.

This goes for mentees, colleagues, & even mentors. 9/
So often the feedback we receive is about the things we are doing wrong and what we can improve on.

And while this is great for personal and professional growth (to an extent), it can easily have the untoward consequence of exacerbating a preexisting imposter syndrome. 10/
I repeat my favorite mantra that helps me to choose my words wisely:

“You’ve no idea the psychological toll your words can have on someone. And worse, how that psychological trauma can affect them long after their time with you is over.” 11/
So to anyone that’s been dealing with #ImposterSyndrome lately, let me be the one to remind you:

• You worked for this
• You deserve this
• You were chosen for this for a reason
• You can do this
• If you can’t, that’s okay

Happy Wednesday and I hope your July has been as good to you as #PedsUro has been to me 😆.
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