1/ I was living in someone’s basement just 4 years ago (this was my backyard back in Saskatoon)! I shared that basement unit with 2 other occupants (face-me-I-face-you).

This moment here was one of the defining moments of my life! My best friend then was moving to Hamilton

2/ as she had just graduated and was going to leave me behind. Chiji, my brother and housemate was also moving (we had a send-forth party a week before this day). I was going to finish my PhD in 2 months. I didn’t have a job. I have been applying and Canada was taking a hit
3/ because of oil crisis. Everyone told me I was overqualified to secure a job and they advised that I should just find a post doc.

I hated post-doc and called it cheap labor. There were moments when I just cried for no reason and moments where one of my co-supervisors was
4/vilifying me and I hated it all. Cry baby was my middle name.
So when my friend was moving, I gave her all my winter items (clothes and shoes) and asked her to move it with her. I was hoping that I would move in with her in Hamilton and squat for a bit after I submit my thesis
5/ But it was depressing to be receiving a PhD and be thinking of squatting. So, I asked God, where is the future you promised me gangan? From cleaning, to sales girl, living in basements and now I will have to squat? God, where is my happily-ever-after, new house, the good job?
6/ I am 31, where is my husband? I waited God. While I daily cried to God, I applied like it was a full time job and went to job fairs in Ontario and the US and different city job fairs. I just don’t want a postdoc and don’t want to be a squatter after all the hardwork.
7/ Well, HE LISTENED! You know the same Hamilton where my things were taken to by my friend, that is the place where I got someone asking me to come for a job interview! What? I applied to the whole country! I acted in faith sending my things to Hamilton and calling it my home
8/ So, I got a job in Hamilton! I got my first Canadian job!
Are you crying or at a critical point? Hang on! Strategize! Fight! Pray! Fast! Find a mentor! Don’t settle! Lastly, there is nothing wrong with you ❤️
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