Everybody teaches girls and women that suffering is inevitable, and I am saying FUCK THAT with my whole chest. It’s not, and don’t accept it as a truth. Once you accept/internalize that shitty message, you open yourself up to enduring said suffering.
When you believe you *have* to do something, you allow yourself to go through it. If you didn’t believe suffering was part of relationships, you’d walk the fuck away at the first sign of it.
LEAVE THEM. Better yet, don’t give them the opportunity. Value yourself and your happiness above having a penis in your life. DE-CENTER THESE MEN. PERIOD.
Ask yourself why you endured any of the suffering and bullshit you did in your past. What was the root cause? What made you feel compelled to do it? Dig that shit out of your soul and throw it away. You don’t need to live that way anymore.
Love does not hurt. Love does not abuse. Love does not create suffering. People do that, and while you might have experienced those things, it wasn’t the LOVE that did it. It was the person, and it hurt *because* you loved them.

Do not conflate the two.
Believe in your worth, your value, your own humanity. Believe in it so much that you refuse to justify someone’s harm towards you as “inevitable” or “part of the process.” Choose yourself, and I’m so serious. Companionship should never destroy you.
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