2/We see tools & techniques of modern tech applied to the #safetynet & #COVID19--Meeting users where they are & building with them. Data matching & streamlined access. Rapid scaling to meet demand. Instant surveys & data analysis.
3/ @codeforamerica @benedatatrust @alluma @freshebt @navapbc @usdigitalresponse @auntbertha @onedegree @singlestop @civilla @mrelief are tech-focused orgs, but the ethos here seems less “move fast and break things” and more “the user is always right.”
5/If we can apply that ethos in policy, implementation, & tech we can give our benefit systems a 21st century update and spread real #financialsecurity. This challenge is especially acute in #safetynet policy where we have marginalized & demonized the end user for generations.
6/Key examples here are exciting. @freshebt ID'ing user need & delivering real $$$. New navigation tools from @onedegree & @auntbertha. New tools for screening & application from @singlestop & @mRelief_form, fast policy implementation from @codeforamerica & @usdigitalresponse.
END/We find orgs rising to meet need. We also see them pushing policy reform & (some) working together for change via @socialtechus. #COVID19 has revealed the need for better tech & better policy. The path to both is the same--put people in need squarely in frame, all the time.
@USDResponse apologies for using the wrong handle!
You can follow @justinkingdc.
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