We got a copy of the new book by Donald Trump’s niece, Mary Trump. Here are some of its most revelatory and incendiary allegations 👇 https://politi.co/31XrnlO 
1️⃣ She accuses the president of paying a friend to take the SAT for him when he was applying to college as a teenager https://politi.co/31XrnlO 
3️⃣ At a family dinner at the White House in 2017, Donald Trump said he didn’t know his daughter-in-law Lara Trump well, even though she had been with the president’s son Eric Trump for almost eight years https://politi.co/31XrnlO 
4️⃣ Besides believing that her uncle fits the nine criteria of clinical narcissism, Mary Trump believes he also may suffer from antisocial personality disorder, dependent personality disorder and a “long undiagnosed learning disability" https://politi.co/31XrnlO 
5️⃣ Trump Barry, the retired federal judge, called the White House in June 2018 to warn her brother about his dealings with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un before he met with him https://politi.co/31XrnlO 
6️⃣ The author suggests the president's personality is shaped by the weak relationship he had as a child with his mother. Because of that, the president’s niece suggests Donald Trump turned as a child to his father, who was not a warm parent. https://politi.co/31XrnlO 
9️⃣ On the day the president’s brother Fred Trump Jr. was dying in the hospital in 1981, Trump and his sister Elizabeth went to the movies, Mary Trump writes. No one from the family accompanied Fred Trump Jr. to the hospital. https://politi.co/31XrnlO 
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