How classism affects sexual harassment and how it is perceived in Egypt [A THREAD]
I just wanna make something clear about how classism plays into this. Lower/working class woman are constantly put in environments where they are more likely to experience harrassment and assault. Think public unis, public transport, etc.
The higher class in Egypt never even see public transport as an option and there’s a reason for that. The lower class have less protection and are also more likely to be ridiculed and arrested if they go against the “norm” when it comes to their actions or clothing.
This is seen in the case of tik tok stars being arrested when rich people at beach resorts and gated communities and sporting clubs can go around wearing swim suits and short shorts and post photos and videos without it being considered “spreading immorality”.
We need to be constantly making it clear that this movement is about ALL women. Some women don’t have the privilege of being able to speak out and we need to give them a voice! We need to stop being detached from the other communities within our country.
Classism also plays a role in that people genuinely think that as long as they live in a gated community or go to crazy expensive private schools and unis that they are safe and immune from these issues. We have clearly seen this to be untrue.
People need to stop idolising these places and advertising them as a separate country within the country. The same ideologies are still alive and well within these communities. Rich people are more likely to use their money and power for their disgusting endeavors, just like ABZ.
You can follow @lailaaa_moh.
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