Mark Drakeford has previously - correctly - stated that this would be an 'assault' on devolution and Welsh self-governance.

It's worth remembering that Johnson doesn't have a democratic mandate for transport in Wales. The Conservatives could put it in their 2021 Senedd manifesto
I'm not an independence supporter, but a supporter of devolution, like most of the Welsh public. I'd rather have 'best of both worlds' federal UK.

I think the place I get to with this is - they would never do this to Scotland, who have too much leverage in the UK.
Where did they get that leverage? Threatening independence. So what do I do? If devolution settlement looks under threat, or 'devolution in name only' where we aren't allowed to take even medium-sized decisions like M4 relief road - where do people like me go?
These people think that by attacking devolution they're defending the union, but if you think that scrapping devolution does anything but push a hell of a lot of people into the independence camp, you're massively mistaken.
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