If I see one more person say. “Jesus died for ALL of us so ALL Lives Matter :)” I WILL LOSE MY MIND. (thread)
Jesus did die for all of us. EVERYONE. Because he LOVED everyone. That includes: all races, all sexualities, gender identities, and so on. You get my point. E V E R Y O N E.
Let’s back up though, and talk about jesus before he died. He was constantly battling social injustice. Constantly urging his disciples to not judge by appearances, to not hold the sins of others against them, and to love (like really really love) EVERYONE no matter what.
While Jesus loved everyone, he always gravitated to the people that needed him most- those who needed to be healed, to hear his word, those who needed hope.
So yes, jesus loves ALL lives (and you should too!) but right now at this time, black lives across the country are in jeopardy. They are in need of the help that we can very easily give.
If you want to truly live your life like jesus did, you would recognize that while all lives matter (nobody ever said they didn’t), black lives need to be ACTIVELY included when we say “All”
We can do this by supporting the blm movement, signing petitions, writing emails/making phone calls to government officials, donating to funeral/bail/legal defense funds-
and showing the love of christ to black people instead of using jesus’ name to back your racist argument. It’s not hard to be nice to people, or to advocate for equal rights and civil liberties for ALL lives :)
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