This is a tremendous thread on the Cabinet/Treasury Board process as it relates to WE. It should be required reading for all who care about the operation of government and civics.

But it says there are no "red flags" about the PM's involvement and that's where things get fuzzy.
It's written by a very knowledgable former Treasury Board analyst seemingly to make the points 1) the PM didn't touch this decision thru the Cabinet process and 2) WE wasn't contacted until the decision had been made. Which both miss the point completely.
Nowhere in this thread is the role PMO/PCO take in the policy making process mentioned. Who do you think sets Cabinet agendas? Who briefs the Chairs on expectations and expected outcomes? Who sets timelines? According to this thread, PMO is just along for the ride.
Imagine the US government announced a deal to give a billion dollar contract (with a management fee) to one of Trump's buddies. And then imagine I told you: don't sweat it, Pence chaired the committee that decided. And Trump's buddy wasn't told till after the decision was made.
You'd think I was ridiculous for making those points. Ah, c'mon, Trump made the call, you'd say. Exactly. Exactly.

The only question that matters: whose idea was this? Because it was obviously designed to save Justin + Sophie Trudeau's friend's struggling charity. RED FLAG.
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