timing, timing, timing
“Time is an illusion, timing is an art.”
― Stefan Emunds
@realDonaldTrump will be rewarded with for his patience and timing....
Some Dates:
@jsolomonReports said Labor Day(7/7/20)
AG Barr & @MattWhitaker46 said end of summer(7/21/2020)
(dates pertain to when to expect Durham action)

First Presidential Debate (7/29/2020)
Election Day (11/3/2020)
35 days apart...
You want to talk about red pills?

Imagine @realDonaldTrump on stage against creepy sleepy @JoeBiden armed with 2+ years of durhams work.
Over those 35 days mountains of evidence will come out implicating the Obama Admin, and proving trump was right from the start.
@drawandstrike used to talk about trump using his campaign rallies to air what the deep state did. but we have seen they just neglect to show his speeches or rallies.

They cant not show the debate..
We are about to flood the zone.

the MSM has tried to ruin trumps presidency with a strategy of death my 1000 cuts.

@realDonaldTrump and AG Barr are about to release so much information in a 35-45 day period, that no 24/7 news cycle will be able to avoid it.
This timing is not by accident, this has been planned to assure trumps 2nd term and the deep states demise. I cant wait to watch the movie. #maga #LockThemUp
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