WoTC and CR tweeted press releases in response to separate issues. This thread is my observation of the RTs which followed. The WoTC release used sensitive legal/PR language to obfuscate a policy which further validates what many have complained about for decades. 1/10
Issues of open hostility towards staff, a corporate culture of nepotism, and a toxic environment within the company. And assault. And racism. And sexism. And homophobia/transphobia. But let me pick the hill I die on: requiring an NDA starting from now to prevent further 2/10
discussion by employees. That is the telling moment here. Not the willingness to address the issues, no matter how shallow the effort. What surprised and frustrated me was the outpouring of support for WoTC and the absolute attack on anyone who would criticize the company. 3/10
Any tweets condemning the policy was met with a mountain of rage. In my opinion, that anger was misdirected: nerds had their feelings hurt bc someone was criticizing their fandom when they should be angry that the company that created said fandom is clearly motivated 4/10
to marginalize, demonize, and damage marginalized employees and contractors.
Within the same community is the CR release. The company did something it didn't need to do but did so because its core mission was to foster a community which loved each other. Instead, the tweets 5/10
followed which were a sewer geyser of trolls, race baiting edgelords, and worse. Because Twitter is a garbage fire on the BEST of days, I was still surprised by the volume of verbal napalm thrown at CR for what appears to be little more than attention. 6/10
To get engagement because the tweet was toxic and demanded a response.
I spent a lot of time going through the RTs of both announcements until I was tired of the depressing, negative noise. And I muted and blocked as many people as I could. @AnneWheaton would be proud of me 7/10
(as I am always of her) but it was work. If I have misunderstood the issues at play, please correct me. But this thread concentrates on the RTs which followed and I don't feel I have misinterpreted those messages.
I identify as an old white hetero-leaning pan-romantic 8/10
humanoid guest on this planet, and I say to my DnD family: I don't care what skin you arrived in or the passions which guide you. I love you. To the rest of you: get off your ass. Do better. 9/10
(Off my soap box, back into my dungeon. Sorry for the long winded rant. 10/10)
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