Since everything locked down, I’ve fallen into a bit of a routine.

When I just need to get out of the house, I go park on a quiet street in the shade with car windows open and listen to the radio while on my phone.

I park in that particular spot because it is quiet and isn’t in front of anyone’s house. Behind that fence is a building that has been shuttered for years.

Was sitting there this morn, windows down, foot on the dash, when up rolls...

Two police cars.

Someone called the police to report a “suspicion person”.

What exactly is suspicious about a car with a human in it quite obviously parked and minding their own business?

Cops ran my license and went on their way.

People who call the police for bullshit suck.

Mind your own damn business.

Just as an aside, the officers who pulled up were Black and Latino, super nice, and pretty much rolling their eyes at needing to get called out for dumb shit like this.

The police do not exist to manage people’s existential terror about the world. That’s what therapists are for.
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