Ghislane Maxwell was the first person on reddit to hit 1 million karma LMAO! She's the #8 karma to this day. Her posts to /r/worldnews constituted roughly 30% of the posts there. This connection was made after she was arrested and that account stopped posting there after 14 years
She even advocated the legalization of child porn 7 years ago.
Coinciding lack of activity with certain public events:
• When Ghislane's mother died
• While at Kleiner's party
• While at the TerraMar Project
Seems to have strong opinions on how to handle fetal remains.
I wonder who qgyh2 is. Why would /r/technology block content about Tesla? LOL
An interesting word cloud for maxwellhill. She's not a Trump fan.
Hasn't posted since June 30th. She was arrested on July 2nd.
Moderator of the following sub-reddits:
Another coincidence. They both have December birthdays.
Seems to like the current Pope. 😩 Interesting. Tiresome, but interesting.
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