I have been thinking a lot about this horrifying statistic, and how inadequate safety net and poor protections for workers are likely to be THE primary vector for community transmission of coronavirus by it being made impossible for them to isolate and stay out of circulation. https://twitter.com/kcexec/status/1276599273459601408
When the choice faced is that between homelessness and hunger, and taking a gamble that if you're really careful you might not expose anyone, most people are going to choose the latter.
It needs to be made possible for everyone who needs to isolate, to isolate. It's not like people are being selfish assholes, it's that the consequences of isolating for many people is losing the roof over your head, getting deported, losing your job, going hungry.
So what's needed? Full wage support for workers required to isolate. Protection against unfair dismissal or losing shifts if they spend two weeks away from the workplace isolating. Protection for whistleblowers. Protection for unionisation so workers can band together for safety.
Protection from eviction if you're required to isolate. Care packages of food and essentials for anyone isolating. Access to testing for all workers in a workplace if one worker or customer is sick.
There is no point to test, trace and isolate if people are not supported to isolate and protected from any consequences of two weeks away from work.
Oh, and there should be a complete moratorium for any deportations for migrant workers to ensure they are getting tested and isolating if necessary.
All of this is a compromise option btw, my preference would be making shareholders personally liable if even one worker falls sick and being required to personally pay for isolation for all workers and any expenses while sick and for recovery.
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