I'm not sure if this reference even makes sense anymore as a point of reference, but #Greyhound being an AppleTV exclusive ends up being incredibly bizarre because it is 1000% an "IBM guy movie."
And I mean this in the most sincerely complimentary sense possible: #GreyhoundMovie is the absolute complete opposite of everything Jobs/Apple/iWhatever/Mac/etc aesthetic, culture, era, tone, vision... it's a Ham Radio Guy movie. A Five belt-clip-devices guy movie.
It feels like there was a script supervisor on set who was 95 year old man who's EXPLICIT job was to whack them with a cane and go "TOO MUCH BULLSHIT!!" every time you even *thought* about including dialogue that wasn't about the heading, operations or maintenance of a Navy ship
And I mean this in a GOOD way: It's EXACTLY the movie for every older dude who buys (and reads) *every* WWII book and always says the movies are "fine, but they left out [obscure technical detail.]"

This is ALL maps, ALL charts, ALL protocol, ALL jargon, ALL "Navy talk"...
...and then every 15-20 minutes or so it's STILL that, but faster because it's also "precise-mechanics-of-engaging-and-destroying-German-U-Boats-with-radar-and-math." Having this come out during COVID is abject cruelty - in theaters this would've been AVENGERS for 90 year olds.
You can follow @the_moviebob.
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