1. Webinar
http://digitalmedia.sheffield.ac.uk  @CareOutcomes @robin_23_99 @Kathy_CEO_CE. Hi Robin! Just listened to the webinar. Thanks for sharing. Many interesting points. I echo the call for transparency, openness, accountability ( & may I add, courtesy) from all sides of the debate.>
2. I'm not an academic & retired from practice over 10yrs ago so not as sharp as you guys, but I've accumulated nearly 70yrs around the care system now - as a care experienced person, a s/worker, residential services manager, regulator, advocate & campaigner, so I have a view>
3. I am more concerned than Mark about the role of the private sector. Not its right to be there, but its steady growth dominating the system, its impact on other services, its impact on how/where care is delivered & on outcomes for kids. These weren't considered in the webinar>
4. I'm very concerned as a time served regulator about how regulation is managed, both locally & nationally. It doesn't address the care experience or outcomes. The systems theory Toby Lowe describes I've called the continuity of the care experience, encroaching in so many areas>
5. Regulation must change to reflect the realities of the care experience for children into adulthood. The view of the care experienced people about how they are cared for didn't feature in the webinar. It must, if we genuinely care about outcomes.
6. Kathy's views were as always fascinating & stimulated thought, & to me the future lies somewhere in that direction -- once those with power remember to engage the care experienced community. They are experts too I suggest. >
7. As a careleaver, I've seen successive gov'ts screw up. Labour & Tory. I've seen LA's screw up & the DfE make screwing up into an art form. I've seen some brilliant & private providers too. And some appalling ones. Care is about people, relationships... Love?
8. If we're genuinely interested in outcomes, please engage the care experienced community & listen. I'm sure providers & professionals have great ideas but solutions won't be found in boardrooms or classrooms.Transparency & honesty too. And can we please be nice to one another?
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