The #CbCR statistics are out today as part of #CorpTaxStats . ? It’s a big deal in terms of data on MNEs, #BEPS, and their activities. A quick thread with some thoughts on what they mean and don’t mean for analysis of BEPS. 1/
1. The stats come with a major disclaimer ( pointing to some limitations. In addition to the coverage , and the fact that this is a first year of data so not all MNEs reported in all cases, there is also an issue of double counting of profits. 2/
This has also recently been the subject of some conversations regarding other data sets recently e.g. by @KClausing ( and Blouin and Rombinson ( 3/
But it’s an issue for CBCR as well. Specifically, in some countries intra-company dividends are included in profit figure within a country, but in some countries they are excluded. This means that the profit figures in some countries are artificially high, 4/
and effective tax rates are artificially low. So, in the next few days, we expect to see a lot of articles saying that companies in country X only paid an effective tax rate of Y – be advised to take these ETR figures with a grain of salt (or several grains). 5/
2. Does this mean that the CBCR don’t say anything about BEPS? No! There are plenty of signs in the data that point to continued #beps
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