But the evidence that her words cause anguish to trans children, who cannot speak for themselves, is evident from charities, like @Mermaids_Gender who are obliged to speak for them.

“If you haven’t listened to trans children, don’t speak about them”: https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/news/dear-jk-rowling/
Compare what Ms Rowling says about what she regards as pernicious influences on trans children with, for example, how the Supreme Court of Ireland once (in 1985) spoke about pernicious influences on gay children.
There is an body of medical evidence around the treatment of trans children. The WPATH Standards of Care have existed since 1979 and are now in their seventh edition. The idea that an engaged hobbyist knows better than the experts is, putting it politely, very much of today.
None of this excuses the abuse experienced by all who speak in this arena; it is wrong.

But it is also mischievous to weaponise that abuse. Those abusing Ms Atwood yesterday no more represent mainstream feminisim than those abusing Ms Rowling represent mainstream trans activism.
Too high indeed are the punishments for mere speaking errors - using the wrong language or thoughtlessness - but when those with power persist in expressing harmful views they should face challenge and expect sanction.

That is how a destructive cultural hegemony is overturned.
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