As fun as it is to call these people "snowflakes," of we want to fight back efffectively we need to understand WHY they are so opposed to discussion and debate.
We need to look at a common theme Social Justice activism and literature: the authoritarian impulse to punish, inflict consequences, or make people pay a price for things they have said. Usually this is done in the name of "accountibility."
When this is done, it is usually not the GOVERNMENT that they want to punish people (we'll see why shortly) rather the woke will either goagter the persons job, or call in activists to figure out a way to make the persons life hell or get them fired.
The reason they don't get governments to do their dirty work is
1. They don't totally control governments right now
2. The 1st amendment
3. Governments have to give due process, and activists are not going to do that for reasons which will be clear shortly
Woke people think thay racism, sexism, and bigotry are baked into the language we use. Since we think and communicate with language, if the language we use is inherently racist and sexist then our communication, and the ideas we communicate will also be racist and sexist.
So they would say part of why there is sexism is language priviliedges men. The words and phrases we use are defined by men because in the past men were the ones given the power to define things as they saw fit, and they defined terms for men, not women.
THAT'S why the woke think words have to change: mailMAN to mailPERSON, chairMAN to chairPERSON, MANkind to PEOPLEkind, etc.

I've even heard a woman change HIStory to THEIRstory, which sounds like a joke you might hear from Sarah Silverman, or should I say Sarah SilverPERSON
For this reason they see words langauge as being kike a virus that can infect you with racism and sexism. So if you allow the wrong kind of speech that speech will infect people with racism. This is why they won't debate and why they punish people for saying the wrong thing:
They are afraid that if people use terms like "master bedroom" those people will spread racism without even knowing it because the term "master" sounds like it might refer to slave master, and therefore may contain a trace of racism which could get into other peoples heads
Another example: if we allow peoplee to say "chairman" then girls may grow up thinking the chair of every board has to be a man. Then when they join the workforce that idea will be engrained in their thinking and hold them back from becoming the chairman of a company
Because they see language this way, they won't debate you because arguing with means letting you say your bit, and if they do that they are afraid you might infect someone woth your racism or sexism. Instead, they want to prevent you from speaking at all
The reason they do this with social punishment (social media mobs, cancel culture, getting you fied etc) is because they want to punish you without due process. Due process means you are entitled to a defense, which means they would have to give you a chance to speak...
And since they are trying to shut you up they want to avoid anything that might afford you due process and give you a chance to say what you think. So they skip straight to social enforcement and try to preasure you into an apology or get you fired
In their minds the free exchange of ideas is just a chance for nazi's to use words to infect peoples brains with racism, and let's people with big audiences (Ie: Joe Rogan) have too much power to expose people non-woke ideas which might spread racism.
The way to deal with this (without giving people due proces and a chance to defend themselves) is to use rigorous and ruthless cancelling and social pressure so that people will self-censor.

And THAT is what they are after...they want you to self censor.

I am aware that the 1st amendmemt only means government can't censor you, it doesn't mean people can't fire you.
My point is that using relentless social pressure and threatening people's jobs and calling those things "accountibility" is bullying. Pure and simple.
So let's fight back and rebuild the idea that the answer to bad speech and bad ideas is good speech and better ideas, not threats and intimidation.

Normalize solving disagreements through discussion, not power moves.

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