👩🏽‍🏫In past months, I've worked w/ @SMCommission on understanding role of transport policy in supporting/hindering #socialmobility.

📙Their new report w/ a chapter on transport policy (I helped write)➡️

📊Short thread on #transport, #inequality & access⬇️
Simply put, it breaks down to the following:
1⃣ 🏘️🏢Where people live
2⃣ 🏫🏬Where opportunities (jobs & education) are
3⃣ 🚌🚊How well they are connected

🚇🚌W/o regular, frequent & affordable transport to opportunities they are inaccessible to many

📑➡️ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/transport-and-inequality
🚏Poor transport = major barrier to employment

📕⬇️ @jrf_uk reports public transport in UK constrains instead of enables finding/keeping work

🚌🗺️Public transport doesn't match job's hours & location

🚗Making using/owning a car a necessity to keep a job
💷🚌Cost /Affordability of #transport is key barrier to #employment & #education 🚧🧑🏽‍💼👷🏽

🎫💷Low income households spend more of their income on commuting
📈25% compared to on average 13%
➡️limits where they look for/can get to work

📊Rise in bus fares
➡️ http://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-7545/CBP-7545.pdf
Low income households:
🚗have less access to car/van
🚌therefore more reliant on public transport

🚏more affected by poor public transport (eg infrequent, limited hours, unaffordable)

⏱️w/o car & poor #transit = longer travel times

📊Deprivation & access to car
from @jrf_uk 📑
🚥Access to jobs by public transport within 45min (avg UK commute) & areas of deprivation

🏘️Working population live in areas:
🟠57% with low access to jobs
🔴25% with low access to jobs & high deprivation

🧑🏿‍💼👷🏼‍♀️👩🏾‍💻Job access has not improved since 2010

📑➡️ https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/future-of-mobility-inequalities-in-mobility-and-access-in-the-uk
🚗Many see a car as a necessity b/c of poor alternatives🚏

But for many a car is unaffordable

💷9% households struggle w/ high motoring costs on low incomes

Rising to:
👪12% w/ children,
💻13% w/o anyone in a full-time job
🏘️17% w/ 1 or more w/o a job

🚏7% UK households in forced car ownership (FCO)

🚗FCO=having car b/c seen as only viable travel option but can't afford it

Households w/ FCO
💡51% unpaid utility bills
🏘️46% can't heat home

11-12% low income households in FCO (70% higher than avg)
📑 http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/122016/ 
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