My moms internalized misogyny jumps out during my most vulnerable moments so I’m going to document these instances so my therapist doesn’t have to dig that deep.
The lesson that seems to be playing out is that explaining to partner that he needs to validate my feelings instead of brushing me over especially when it comes to issues that are important to me puts a damper on his time with me
This p.o.v. ignores how I feel when I’m brushed over and places me as problematic. When in *my* reality having these conversations helps me feel more comfortable with my partner; knowing that he will validate my feelings makes me feel like I have a safe space.
So by deeming me as problematic I fit into a more microcosmic version of the “crazy woman” trope a woman who is deemed crazy when she expresses her feelings when in reality she is driven to madness due to being ignored. Yellow wall paper af right now.
Also I’m not mad at my mom and she’s not doing this with malicious intent, I’m just at a point where I am refusing to be silenced marginalized or stereotyped because I’m asking for the bare minimum; should this cost me filial relationships doesn’t really matter at this moment
Also this is the same mom who constantly asks me why I’m so distanced and bury my feelings to the point that it effects my physical well being
My reaction:
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