4 questions to help you think of coding project ideas

1. What are your interests?
2. What pain points do you currently have in your life?
3. What problems do you see in your community?
4. How could you make an existing app or site better?

Continued in 🧵

Building things is a great way to learn a new technology or language. But it can also be intimidating! Sometimes it just feels like your inspiration tank is empty - I’ve been there. Here’s what’s helped me. 👇

I spend some time in silence with a pen and paper (I find having a screen open is too distracting) and think for a bit about those 4 questions I mentioned previously. I write down everything that comes to mind, no matter how silly it may seem.

An example of a project I built that solved a pain point was http://teachyourselfcode.io . I was tired of getting distracted by other videos while watching YouTube tuts. So I made an app that makes it less distracting.

Are there any annoying problems you could solve? 🤔
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