i know i shouldnt but im sitting here just...thinking about the shit luck i've had in love/relationships. i know that it's not the end all be all of life, and so many people experience life just fine, in some cases better without love. i know that
sorry this is gonna be a long and messy thread because im crying now but ive had this pent up anger and sadness for years and im just gonna let it out.

i know that love isnt for everyone, and thats either by choice or circumstances that ahve jaded them to the whole concept
im self aware enough to know that i am a horrible hopeless romantic and at times im too loving, to a fault. i know that this could be viewed as some guy just saying bullshit to try and get some, and if that's how you view this thread, great. that's your opinion and, even if its
false, that's your opinion on me and i'll accept that and respect it. theres nothing i can do to change others views on me, and that's entirely up to the reader to make that judgement and form an opinion on.

at the end of the day im using the void as a journal again, sue me
i neevr got to express how i felt to the first girl i caught heavy feelings for. i've touched on the reasons why before, and it fucked me up for a lot of reasons. the next three girls i got involved with and fell for cheated on me and that obviously took a toll on me.
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