Reinvites to the server will start later tonight. Currently in the process of inviting CPL and Div2. If you have a vouch from someone in either CPL or Div2, get a screenshot of that and send it to @CoachTimmy on discord. He will be dealing with vouched invites exclusively for now
Again, we are sincerely sorry it has come to this sort of strict provisioning of invites, but if we want to make practice worthwhile playing, we have to make people take it seriously
Please give @CoachTimmy some time to process the messages, we already have 96 messages on discord and 50+ requests on twitter before this thread was tweeted. Hopefully we’ll see ya in some games tonight, we’ll keep you updated.
You can follow @AfterHoursOCE.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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