When one figures out that the Propaganda was all planned and coordinated then you begin to figure out Wikileaks, Anonymous, Q and so forth are really all means to an end. When you understand the names involved and Countries you begin to see why. How far-right do you want to go?
No matter what they feed you or spin, what's really the number one common thread, Destruction of the Government. Privatization across the board. If allowed it will turn into more corruption and control of you. Free Speech 'I can hack and steal your identity,
without 'Big Brother' giving two shits' Why do you think Pai wants to destroy the FCC. I got some bad news for them. The ties that bind; CIA NSA Google.

Haters gonna Hate.

Fuqq Assange and Snowden and Flynn
Now let me really rock your world. A few years ago I told you how the Internet was created and by who and how Google became part of that. Do you know the Size of this Intelligence Trap Hi Russia
I Do
This was made last month
Let me put it another way. In 1956, Nikita Kruschev threatened us. In 1957 the US Military went to work.
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