i asked this girl why she is christian and she doesn’t know. she also doesn’t care to know. humanities bore her. life, politics, and the meaning of life doesn’t interest her. the philosophy of religion doesn’t interest her. she’s just okay with following whatever. and i realized+
a lot of people are actually comfortable in their ignorance. ignorance isn’t a troublesome thing in their mind. that’s something i’ve never understood but i guess it’s just something i’ve come to terms with. a lot of people don’t care to know in the way i do.
i’ve always been spiritual and religious, but belief and faith wasn’t enough for me. i need the logical history. i need to know why God is said to be a man. i need “the unmoved mover” philosophical argument to back up my belief. i need to be able to explain why i believe. +
learning about religion and philosophy hasn’t changed my belief in a higher power, but it has provided background to the validity of religions. it’s educated me on the history. it’s allowed me to create my own beliefs within my own faith.
so now i can say confidently “I believe in a God but I know God is not a man.” and that’s not my faith, that’s just logic. i think faith in a system around.. without reason is blind faith. its to live inauthentically and in “bad faith” as Jean-Paul Sartre explains:
“bad faith...the phenomenon in which human beings, under pressure from social forces, adopt false values and disown their innate freedom, hence acting inauthentically.” to sum it up. this is why we must find our own identity bc adopting values given to us is to live in bad faith.
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