In all seriousness, I knew some of the Church history that the critics say the church lied to us about as a preteen, some as a teenager, and some I didn't learn about until I was in my 20s. You know what I didn't do when I did find out though? 1/
I didn't go running to the anti sites. I did research and found out that the Church had published multiple articles on history that ExMos claim they hide in The Ensign and other church publications. I also went and found first hand accounts from people who lived through 2/
That time to see what their thoughts and perspective were. I found out that the history wasn't even close to as damning as the ExMos would like to make you think. They have a narrative that they are pushing and most of them will accept no alternative explanation. 3/
They do their best to shock you with a sensational narrative about the sins of the Church. They accuse us of being narrow minded and of sticking our heads in the sand. The cry about gas lighting, and brainwashing. It is all an attempt to overwhelm you, and guilt you into 4/
Following their path. Don't fall for it. There are answers out there that don't require you to abandon your faith, the gospel, the Church, or God. Do your own research and don't let the ExMos tell you that they only way to get the "truth" is by going to their "unbiased" sites 5/
It is a lie, and if you fall for it it will most likely destroy your testimony. It may take years to work receive answers to some of matters of Church history. It did for me. Don't abandon your covenants while you do so. Focus on the simple things of the gospel. 6/
Pray, serve, study, trust in God... if you do these things, though you may go through dark times, you will come out with a stronger testimony and a greater relationship with God on the other side. 7/7
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