One of the major takeaways from Mary Trump's book:

Yes, Trump's as profoundly disordered and in just the ways we described, as we all see daily. Specific diagnostic labels may matter less than grasping the core of his character pathology: a lack of conscience combined with... insatiable desire for adulation and power meant to prop his eternally fragile ego.

The view that we can't recognize and name this pathology w/o 1:1 exam is untenable, as is the position that Trump's character is not pathological, merely bad.

The latter would imply that...
...the profoundly disturbing behaviors we observe on a daily basis are within the norm.
We'd be led to believe that the lack of empathy & compassion, the instrumental and sadistic (mis)treatment of people, the self-obsession, rageful egotism and lack of self-control are normal.
To be sure, many -- indeed too many -- people do believe this is the case.
P.S. And that is not even mentioning his constant lies and tenuous grip on reality.

P.P.S. Lack of conscience = psychopathy.
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