Normally don’t flex but it’s been on my mind for a while:
A year I put myself into a deep depression trying to do everything I could to make my ex girlfriend happy but eventually she left me. I thought I would be nothing without her
After a bit of time of feeling worthless I started to rebuild myself
Since then I’ve gotten my own apartment, gone over a whole year at the Los Angeles film School, have an amazing job, and training to run sub 70 minute half marathons
To say I’m a different person than I was a year ago is an understatement. Don’t dedicate you’re entire life into someone who won’t do the same. Focus on yourself and watch how better you become
It wasn’t just her that put into a depression, it was a big collection of things. Putting all of my faith into an esports career that went nowhere, not having a job or going to college for 4 months, not running at all. I felt worthless for a solid 3-4 months
To give an idea: this is the only time I was genuinely happy in 2019
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