(In response to Dreamer Gacha)
I hate lesbians because:
1. they hate men. theyre sexist little pieces of shit who only like women
2. they're impossible to talk to about boys
3. it makes me uncomfortable when they kiss in public
4. they're cheaters
5. theyre feminists
6. two women CANNOT raise a child. every child needs a father.
7. theres a lot of lesbians who are horrible people. they had to change their flag because the original was made by a R*CIST.
8. Lesbians harass straight girls
9. they do have the option to go straight. Seriously, I've read stories about lesbians who turned straight through th*rapy and stuff. but they choose to stay lesbian because they wanna be sPeCiAL
10. lesbians are always rubbing their sexuality in your face. UGH!
For transgenders, let me put it this way. lets say a white guy wants to be black so he can be part of an opr*ssed group. so he tells people he identifies as bl*ck. even if he gets a spraytan though, HE'S STILL WHITE.
More reasons:
-gender DOES NOT equal personality! you can be a tomboy or a femboy without being trans
-trans "women" are p*rverts who use the womens bathroom EVEN THOUGH THERE MALE
-Trans "men" just wanna get with straight girls or gay men
-trans "men" just wanna be NoT LiKe OtHeR GiRLs
-youre supposed to stick with the gender youre assigned. women didnt f*ght for their rights for centuries just for girls to change their gender!
-god doesnt make m*stakes, he made you a boy or a girl for a reason!
-for pronouns... its scientifically proven that people automatically identify with the pronouns there given!
-they just want an excuse to change their name
-they just want to be part of an opressed group, even though theyre not
-d*sphoria isnt real. everyone feels bad about their bodies sometimes, but that just means you have low self esteem, not that you have d*sphoria!
-JK rowling herself supports cisgender people! ^^
-just because you like the opposite gender doesnt mean you wanna BE the opposite gender! i like men, but do you see me changing genders? NO!
-Theres no scientific reasoning behind it
-Being trans IS a choice, and people shouldnt say otherwise. and its a bad choice to become trans, too.
-trans people try to make cisgender people look b*d and priv*leged!
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