Mary Kay Letourneau-
Repeatedly raped her 6th grade STUDENT who was TROUBLED and needed extra attention.
She was his married TEACHER & a mom in her 30s
She gave him extra help & when he shared he had a crush instead of handling it appropriately she RAPED HIM
She raped him multiple times even had him spending the night at her home.
Oh let's talk abt her ain't shit first husband who when he found out didn't report her, no he confronted THE CHILD
about the "affair" as if he was a grown man.
Finally one of her inlaws reported her. Yay right?
Nah this predator wasn't going to quit.
She found out she was pregnant during trial & played the peak white lady sympathy card.
She had his baby while awaiting sentencing.
THEN got pregnant by raping him AGAIN while on probation & giving birth in prison
She then did WHAT????
oh that's right she kept sending him messages in her breast milk etc to HER VICTIM grooming him for her release and to "wait for her".
All of this information is easy to find in interviews with her and her victim that she had successfully groomed to wait to remove the no contact order the courts enacted. So once she was released they were free to be together.
And of course in time they were married.
What did our sick ass rape culture society do?
Televise it!
See that's the problem with this whole situation.
No one wants to interrogate how white womanhood influenced this case and Villi's life was consistently devalued.
No one centered protecting HIM.
So no platitudes for Mary Kay Letourneau today because I don't praise unrepentant rapists when they die.
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