read this VERY carefully before you interact.

the girls with bad hygiene in HS conversation is not funny to me b/c I know that some girls have no type of guidance in “feminine care” and have to figure out puberty on their own and unfortunately that shit really is trial/error
i had to figure out tampons, which deodorant worked, not to use baby powder and fragranced items down there (😖) all on my own. all that shit yall had your moms for, some of us had to figure it out.

i dont judge young girls EVER on that (on anything tbh) i just talk to them
Also I remember one time in hs I made myself a very BAD but doable hygiene kit (my hyperthyroidism was going nuts) and this girl at Tennis practice asked me if I could use it cause her mom couldnt afford to buy her shit... like thats the shit yall will never get
like hello not everyone has a mom, aunt, older sisters cousins etc that show them how to take care of their bodies. whats not clicking?????

and like as a teen you’re just not that smart and listening to your friends + media + socialization telling you what you need to do 💔
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