This is most assuredly going to earn me some form of backlash, but please try to keep in mind, I'm not heartless....

We all (who are awake) agree that reincarnation is real, and that we choose our life experiences willingly before coming into
this realm, in an act of LOVE and service to those around us, by trying to teach/learn lessons both horrifying and beautiful, yes? And we agree that no one came into this world haphazardly and not knowing what would happen? Let me pose this within the framework of the Stanford
Prison Experiment of 1971. Imagine, if you will, that you volunteered for the "Prison Experiment: Earth". If you are aware of the Stanford experiment, then you know how quickly things devolved over a matter of days, and how emotionally engrossed all the volunteers became in their
experiment, experiencing very real and genuine emotional responses to what they all KNEW to be a fictional scenario meant to emulate a "real world" scenario. It only lasted 6 days, and all of them retained full memory of having volunteered for the experiment. Some of you already
have an idea of where this is going. So, back to "Prison Experiment: Earth". At the moment of volunteering, you are excited to be a part of a grand "game" designed to teach a multitude of types of life-lessons. You are eager to share your deepest expressions of LOVE and insight
with others who have less experience, as well as to learn from infinite variations of other individual expressions of the same, taught by other reflections of yourself in a robust and immersive learning/teaching environment. The main challenge: accept a memory wipe upon arrival.
Beginning with the first "phase" of your experiment, things started beautifully, only being surrounded by others who share your values and perspectives. Everything goes beautifully. Wonderful lessons of working together to achieve your common goals, beautiful experiences of
exploring your deepest desires and fears (and overcoming both). With each lifetime, you gain more and more insight, and share the same with others. Then, as lifetimes evolved and things became too easy and mundane, you begin to program more challenging experiences, seeing how far
you can dive further into more complex opportunities to fulfill the expression of your soul's chosen path. Light and Dark begin to move closer and closer together, forcing both into more challenging scenarios in which to "prove yourselves". As lifetimes go on, the experiment
becomes increasingly one-sided, with one clearly dominant group (darkness) taking over more and more of the controlling factor. Eventually, after thousands of years and hundreds of lifetimes, things become increasingly bitter and difficult, giving you (Light) even MORE chances to
show your skill at overcoming the impossible through dedication to your chosen path. Still, between each lifetime, you program the experiences you wish to teach/learn and then jump back into the simulator, eager to begin again. But, you still underestimate (or maybe not) the
profound effect that the "memory wipe" has on your lifetime experience. And each time, you choose to enter the world and live within the confines of your programmed reality, in order to teach/learn more difficult and complex lessons. You choose, when, how, and with whom you will
interact, still exercising your own free will to engage wherever and however you please. Sometimes you're the villain, exacting horrifying scenarios upon all those with whom you come into contact, attempting to completely dominate and subjugate all those around you, in order to
give others the opportunity to learn to overcome. Other times, you choose to play the opposite role, as the victim of the same kind of tyranny and oppression you foisted upon the Others in the grand simulation. Every path, every choice, an opportunity to fully embody that which
you came to teach/learn. With each experience, you become more and more determined in your resolve to embody one path (LOVE) or the other (fear), and to share from the repository of all you have learned.


Everyone chooses, yes? Because free will is the
underlying foundation of all that is done in this great game. EVERYONE CHOOSES, right? Some choose to play villains, and some choose to play victims, just like children playing "cowboys and indians" or "cops and robbers". Including THE Children. The human trafficking victims. The
sex slaves and "breeders". ALL different variations of every conceivable type of experience possible. Some of your stomachs are already churning with the discomfort of what is now becoming a clearer image of a larger picture, like a landscape emerging through a fog. I have sat,
many days and nights, asking myself the questions: "who is worthy of forgiveness, and who is worthy of contempt?" The answer has been given, repeatedly, in a multitude of ways by a multitude of teacher/students. EVERYONE must be forgiven. Not because they "deserve" it, but
because it is an essential part of your own PERSONAL journey and growth in the grand game of life. Then a new question, with which I have wrestled endlessly, much longer than any previous ones: "HOW do you forgive those who are the LEAST 'deserving'?" The baby eaters and pedos.
You know in your heart that you MUST forgive them, because forgiveness is not just for the benefit of the forgiven, but also (and more importantly) for the one doing the forgiving. YOU. If you agreed with the earlier questions I asked (which everyone who has pondered such things
should), then you already hold the keys to this massive conundrum. How do you forgive all the baby eaters and pedos for the horrific and offensive acts they perpetrated on innocent and defenseless others? It is simple. You recognize that, in this game, EVERYONE has chosen their
role carefully, in order to maximize the lessons that they teach/learn. Including THE Children. The very ones on whose behalf we all have become enraged beyond measure, at the mere thought of their suffering, in our knowing that they are defenseless and innocent upon the Earth.
Please think about this as objectively as you can. EVERYONE chose their roles before they WILLINGLY came back. Some chose to be sacrifices, for the sake of teaching/learning new emotions and complexities of the game. Some chose to play the trafficking victims and sex slaves.
NO ONE experiences anything significant which they did not previously program for their lives, of their own free will. I believe that this is the key truth that must be realized in order to rise above the game, and finally "win". We have all been villain, victim, and victor.
Now the question changes from "how can I forgive...." to "how can I BLAME..." because you KNOW, deep down, that you have been both. And no one can be blamed for what goes on within the game. After all, it is only a game, of the highest order, and with the highest goals in mind...
So, now...sit, meditate, and ponder this essential truth. Will you allow the pain you feel in this game to overcome you, and forge your hatred for another into an immovable weight within you, dragging yourself further into the pits of hell until you will finally realize the truth
and rise above? Or will you realize the TRUTH of this game, and recognize that we are ALL one, and that once we leave here we will be reunited to celebrate our lessons and victories, and tease each other lovingly about our losses? Make no mistake, I do not think that Dark and
Light will "reunite" into the same dimension (because to each one, the other's environment is "hell"). We simply reunite once again with all those others who share our values and perspectives, which have now been expanded farther than any of use could have ever dreamed. Dark will
continue with Dark until such a time as they are ready to rejoin the Light in LOVE and harmony. Light will continue on their path of beauty and harmony together, enjoying our mutual LOVE and respect and patiently waiting to welcome back all of our Dark brethren who chose the most
challenging and painful path, in order to learn the deepest depths of empathy. Just as in life, the endless variations of beings and experiences dictates that some will spend much longer amounts of "time" focusing in their chosen path than others. And those of us who have already
chosen the Light will rejoice in the company of each other, and upon the return of those Dark Explorers from their treacherous paths. The "children" who suffered the worst, and are now back in the Lobby awaiting the rest of us are watching with infinite wisdom and LOVE, not as
the children they played in the game, but as the eternal and supremely wise souls that they were before jumping headfirst into the lava for the sake of the teaching/learning of others. Do you think they sit there, angrily stewing over all they suffered during the game, and urging
us to exact "justice" upon their previous tormentors? Absolutely not. They are urging us to learn the hardest lessons of all; to forgive the unforgivable. Let me ask you this: After they willingly came to suffer and die for the game, will you now refuse to learn life's greatest
lesson, holding onto resentment and anger towards others, thereby depriving these long-suffering souls the joy of cheering wholeheartedly as we overcome and RISE in the manner that we had all previously agreed? Which is more important: seeing "justice" served, or honoring those
pure and brave souls who willingly made the greatest sacrifices in the game purely for the sake of helping the rest of us learn the lesson of unconditional LOVE and forgiveness? It's relatively easy to forgive our family members and friends for their perceived slights against us,
even though it does not FEEL so easy. However, it is VASTLY simpler and easier than forgiving the absolute unforgivable. It is this single insight that has led me to now, finally, feel a swell of unconditional LOVE, for the first time in my life. No longer concerned with who
"deserves" forgiveness, I have realized the truth. The greatest challenge to overcome by forgiving the unforgivable is a master key to unconditional LOVE, which is the foundation of raising your own vibrations and choosing the higher, beautiful path of LOVE.Just food for thought.
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