Anyone thats ever really dug into Mary Kay Letourneau and her ties into the deep state knows this death is very suspect!

(Example) Her brother is former inspector general of the United States Department of Defense and a former executive with Blackwater.

Her father.
-US House of Representatives
-John Birch Society
-Lt. Col.
-Bethesda Maryland

LOL, all the hate in the replies shows it ruffles feathers just showing how things really work.

MK was a white rabbit for all those that cant follow along. Hence the mental issues, etc.
Everyone take a look at the comments in this thread.
Notice a pattern of the people hating?
Go check their accounts, what do they all have in common?
Its a HIVE-MIND we are against here.
What controls that hive-mind?

ANDROGYNY in the making?
BTW, I made the original graphic 14 months ago, well before her death. I was digging on her Brothers ties to the Knights of Malta if I recall correctly.
Whew, It gets a little crazier.
Apparently Pete Buttigeig, yes Mayor Pete, used to work for her brother, Joe.

Her brothers Law Firm apparently represents Nate Cain.
Who said she was an agent, "dawg"?
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