Good Evening Folks.. When the Corona Virus Bullsh#! began way back in January, I immediately suspected the "Fake Government was doing what it does best, "LIE THRU THEIR TEETH"!!.. So, I set out on a quest to prove to people that they were lying.. I tried to find..cont
A Corona Virus Recipient !! Somebody, anybody who actually had the Virus..Folks, this is 6 months later and I have yet to find one single person who has the Corona Virus.. No, let me correct that, not one person with their version of the Virus.. Plenty of people..cont
Had the Virus, in fact the majority of people still do. The Corona Virus has several strains that make up the common cold and regular flu.. More than likely you have come down sick from it.. It's normal during Flu season. But all the Hospitals being filled to capacity..cont
Just a pack of lies.. It's just now that Doctors and Nurses are coming forward to admit this.. What I'm curious about..WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE GETTING THEIR INFORMATION ?? WHY DO I STILL SEE AN OCEAN OF MASKS ??..Are people really Hypnotized as I suggested earlier ??..cont
I just read that Fauci ( Little rat that he is) is telling people there's a serious problem with people refusing to wear a mask.. WELL, GEE DUUUUUHH FAUCI, I WONDER WHY THAT IS ??What goes on here?? Am I and a handful of others the only ones receiving the messages about ..cont
The dangers of the masks ?? The constant barrage of information streaming in nonstop about the Corona Virus being propped up to be something it isn't ?? I'm at my wits end.. Fauci suggested the best way to convince people all this is legit is thru Celebrities and Sports..cont
Goons. ( I'm sorry, people who play sports are not bad people, just muscle packed into a suit that receives millions of dollars to knock people to the ground.. That's a "Goon" in my book ) You know they're taking Fauci advice as you'll notice all the Celebrities..cont
Now claiming to have the Virus.. SO MUCH BULLSH#! SO LITTLE TIME.. OK, I'm going to say this one more time.. If you've got a bad memory you may want to right it down.. The Corona Virus has been around for at least 100 years.. It is what causes the common cold and flu..cont
If you're worried about getting the Virus, STOP WORRYING, YOU MORE THAN LIKELY ALREADY HAVE IT!! Now, How do you feel ? You're OK right ? No shortness of breath or wanting to pass out.? Good..You've probably had the virus for years.. Doesn't mean you get sick because of it..cont
Seeing as how no matter what I say or do, I am still not getting the message across to everyone, I am going to take a different approach.. I need to get a larger platform.. One that people all over the world will pay attention to.. I want to debate Fauci, but thru..cont
My secretary's advice, have chosen an even more radical idea...I'M RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!! Yea, I know that's crazy, but I'll bet I'm able to better get thew word out about The Virus Hoax and a whole list of other things enslaving all of you.. I've been thinking of a name..cont
For my Campaign.. How about, WAKE THE HELL UP!!.. Whaddya think ?? Little too harsh maybe.? How about "TIME TO FACE THE TRUTH AND WAKE THE HELL UP !!.. Give a little intro before Blasting em.. I don't know.. Anyone with a suggestion I'm all ears..cont
First thing on the list is schedule debates.. I am well versed in just about every subject there is from A-Z. I think this would be a necessary requirement for anyone wanting to lead a country.. Then there's the question of where I stand on the important issues ..cont
Facing America and the World.. They're all important but there are those that stand out above the rest.. Let give you a quick run down on my stance concerning them.. Let's start with Human Life.. I am Pro Life.. That goes for all those not yet born ( ya know, the teeny tiny ones)
All the way up to the real large ones.. And I'm not particular about color.. In fact I could give a rats ass what color you are and every bit interested in what kind of Character and Morals you possess.. Next, Human and Animal Rights.. I believe that both Humans...cont
And Animals have the same right of Freedom. The right to do what you want as long as it doesn't interfere with your fellow Humans.. Human Beings would be wise to take some lessons from the animals on that one.. I mean, DO YOU SEE ANIMALS GOING TO WAR WITH EACH OTHER??..cont
No other laws need apply.. Universal Common Law has been managing the Human Race and the Animal Kingdom for Millennia.. Government needs to be abolished.. Politics needs to be thrown in the trash can. Replace Politicians with "Public Servants". I've had several people..cont
Tell me the world could not function without Politics !! PURE POPPYCOCK !! Tell me everyone, what does Politics represent to you.. To me, it represents Money and Power.. Please explain to me what those two items have to do with managing people affairs ??. Right now..cont
Most Nations in the world have been Hijacked by the wealthy families in the world, and "Incorporated".. So now, not only do these "Fake Governments" not deal with people affairs, they use the people as collateral for their business transactions.. And do it without peoples..cont
Knowledge.. Politics is a system to "Control" the people.. We have to graduate from that "Primitive Mindset" and start taking responsibilities for our own lives.. YOU DON'T NEED GOVERNMENT no matter who tells you otherwise.. Therefore, if elected, the first thing..cont
I would do is Terminate The Office of The Presidency. Throw that office in the trash can.. Next, what would follow, the dismantling of the entire Dinosaur Republican Democratic party system. In the Dumpster it goes.. Next and real important to getting peace of mind..cont
BURN THE ENTIRE CITY OF WASHINGTON DC TO THE GROUND!! Anyone hangin around TOO BAD!! You'll burn as well.. WE'VE GOT A FIRE OVER HERE, GRAB YOUR MARSHMALLOWS!! Next, I would target all Secret Societies and their Satanic Shrines and Temples BURN THEM TO THE GROUND!!..cont
Next up, all Catholic Churches would be next.. I am fully aware that most people who are Catholics, don't have a clue that their "Church" worships Lucifer.. I will give them fair warning then all Catholic Churches will be BURNED TO THE GROUND, and the Pope not allowed..cont
To step foot in America.. If he does, I'll be waiting with a magazine of silver bullets in my AK-47.. After which a stake will be driven thru his heart !! OK, that about covers the obvious evil ones, the less evil will be dealt with along the way.. Next, find a spot to cont
Build some modest accommodations for your new assembly of Public Servants. I would require my staff and a few body guards. A place to hang my hat at night and some food for energy,, THAT'S IT!! I would not accept any kind of monetary compensation for my service..cont
Public Servants are "Volunteers" normally assigned by the Creator. Their purpose is to assist Human Beings on their journey thru this life.. They are paid with the satisfaction of seeing people succeed in whatever it is they seek.. Eventually every State would elect..cont
Their own Public Servants and be managed locally.. The idea of one body of Public Servants to assist the entire country is ludicrous.. It needs to be scaled down immediately.. OK, Back to my position on some important issues.. I'll name the ones so prevalent right now..cont
If you want to know about an issue I haven't mentioned, please don't hesitate to ask.. The Military. It has been my long standing opinion that all Nations should have a standing Army for "Defense Purposes Only". All US troops would be sent home over a period of time..cont
To ensure the safety of the citizens in the countries they vacate.. Bad guys will still exist, and the importance of an international agreement towards a defensive force only in all countries would have to be in place first. The United Nations needs to "Gutted"..cont
It should be staffed with legitimate Public Servants with the sole purpose of defending Human and Animal rights World Wide.. This mindset of Invade and conquer your neighbor would be over.. Poaching and other Animal abuse would be dealt with by an international police force.cont
They would patrol the African wilderness as well as populated nations.. Animals would finally have a 24/7 line of protection.. All those Human Animals would be picked up.. Next Health Care.. To me Health care should be available free of charge to all citizens.. cont
As soon as say that The trolls come out.. WHADDYA MEAN FREE, WHO'S GOING TO PAY FOR IT?? I don't have all the answers to that question, but I do know that there are plenty of Nations that do it with no problem. I'll learn the best way and implement it.. Same with education..cont
Let's put it this way.. All of Mans knowledge is considered "Foolishness" to The Creator, so to me, it's not worth your time to learn any of it.. Especially the Manufactured History that's Total Bullsh#!.. I feel the Entire Educational System needs to go in the Trash Can..cont
Let's create an educational system that focuses on the individual.. About 1- 2 years old, test the child to discover their talents and interests. Then begin their education (at home, I'll go into detail in a minute) with a curriculum surrounding those talents and interest..cont
Public Schools should be shut down.. They are breeding grounds for Gangs and violence, as well as all other forms of abuse.. Like a garbage dump.. The economy would no longer require the mother to work.. I will go into detail about an economy everyone benefits from..cont
Money will have to eventually be eliminated completely.. We need to focus on a more equal distribution of the wealth in all countries.. No I'm not talking about Communism or Socialism or any other Political system.. Remember, I'm dismantling the entire Political structure..cont
Capitalism has proven over the years to be prime for corruption.. It's evident by the gross unbalanced wealth.. 1 percent controlling 90 percent of the Worlds wealth is insane and unacceptable.. There need to be a system that creates a competitive market that remains balanced..
I will continue this thread tomorrow.. I have alot more to tell you so tune back in..Good Night...
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